Ryan Bush:

Seeing Christ is all and in all, we should acknowledge only him to be all and in all in our justification. Let us heed that we do not bring our own righteousness to Christ. Let us ensure we don't attempt to unite the grace of good works within us with the righteousness of Christ outside of us. This glory Christ will not give to another. Christ alone is our justification and righteousness. Christ will not permit any assistance, secondary cause, or cooperator to participate with Him in the justification of sinners. Some will not believe unless they see themselves as holy and humble. Some will not believe their sins are pardoned unless they have first been subdued. Oh, say You, if I could pray more fervently, mourn for sin more deeply, then I would believe. But alas, say you, I have a hard heart, a blind mind, a perverse will, and carnal affections I cannot believe. I dare not come to Christ in such an awful condition. How can I believe my sins are forgiven in such a state? Is such thinking not the heart of unbelief? Is such thinking not an attempt to bring your own righteousness or to bring the spirit's work within you to be united to the righteousness of Christ? Is this not a denial of the goodness of the gospel? That Christ alone comes to justify the ungodly so that Christ may be all in all in the justification of sinners? Hanserd Knollys.

Copyright Ryan Bush