An Urgent Case
Do you wonder, poor sinner, whether your need, and your longings, and your first faint hopes of mercy are known to the dear savior whom you seek? See here how instantly the Lord was aware of a touch upon the edge of His robe, and how immediately he knew that power had gone out of him. What strong encouragement they should give to a timid shrinking soul, the slightest contact of faith with Christ ensures salvation. So full is He of blessed power and willingness to save that, even from His raiment, the sacred healing flowed in response to this poor woman's trustful touch. I want to cheer my own soul with this comfort of God. I am realizing very painfully that in me dwells no good thing, Nay, more that evil is present with me. The fight against inbred corruption is fierce and I am well near spent in the struggle. Is not this the very time to test and trust the Savior's power? I shall have to force my way through a crowd of iniquities and doubts and discouragements, but mine is an urgent case and I know that, if I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole. For so surely as my faith meets my Savior's free grace, my deliverance is assured and complete. Ah, how foolish and ignorant it would be to draw back in full view of life eternal and choose to perish rather than to persist.