Forth Flames the Standard

Forth Flames the Standard

Ryan Bush:

Forth flames the standard of our king. Bright gleams the mystic sign. When life bore death of suffering and death wrought life divine. The stabs of the accursed spear brought forth the healing flood to cleanse sins stains so dark and drear with water and with blood. Fulfilled is each prophetic word. Each faith inspiring strain. Telling the nations of that Lord who by the cross should reign. Hail, cross of Christ, man's only hope while now we gaze and pray. Dear lord, the exhaustless fountains ope and wash our sins away. Bishop Williams of Connecticut.

Ryan Bush:

He is a perfect, a complete savior. His righteousness is perfect both active and passive. He completely answers all our needs. This should move us to trust in Him. Hereby is also signified His strength, His ability to save and defend. He is a strong rock and high tower. Let us therefore fly to him. They that are in Christ their place of defense is the munitions of rocks. Hereby is signified his everlastingness and unchangeableness. This should move us to trust in him for he is an everlasting redeemer and will be the everlasting portion of all that are his. His being, his glory, and his love will never fail. The rock shall sooner be removed out of its place than Christ shall depart from anything that he has engaged. Jonathan Edwards.

Copyright Ryan Bush