I Lay My Sins on Jesus
A dear little boy was carried away by consumption. His child heart seemed to be filled with joy about seeing Jesus. His simple prattle, mingled with deep questionings, arrested not only his young companions but pierced the hearts of some careless sinners who heard him and greatly refreshed the faith of God's dear people. It was the very pathos of song incarnated to hear the weak quaver of his dying voice sing out, I lay my sins on Jesus, the spotless lamb of God. Shortly before his decease, he said to his parents, I'm going soon to be with Jesus, but I sometimes fear that I may not see you there. Why so my child? said his weeping mother. Because, he answered, if you were set upon going to heaven and seeing Jesus there, you would pray about it and sing about it. You would talk about Jesus to others and tell them of that happy meeting with him in glory. All this, my dear Sabbath school teacher taught me and she will meet me there. Now why did not you, my father and mother, tell me all these things about Jesus if you are going to meet him there too? Their tears fell fast over their dying child, and he little knew in his unthinking eighth year what a message from God had pierced their souls through his innocent words. At the last, the child literally longed to be away, not for rest or freedom from pain, for of that he had very little, but as he himself always put it, to see Jesus. And after all, that was the wisdom of the heart, however he learned it. Eternal life here or hereafter is just the vision of Jesus.