In an Agony
Beloved, let us visit Gethsemane and see this strange sight. Here is our surety, the only begotten son of God. The brightness of Jehovah's glory and the express image of His person groaning on the cold ground and baptized in blood. He is sore amazed. His heart is filled with horror and his mind with dread. His soul is troubled, tossed with tempests and not comforted. He is exceeding sorrowful even unto death. The sorrows of death encompass him and the pains of hell have gotten hold upon him. His heart like wax is melted in the midst of his bowels. His whole nature is convulsed. He sweats blood. He cries aloud with an exceeding bitter cry and his heart faileth him. No human hand toucheth him, but it is the hour and power of darkness. Our sins meet upon him. His soul is made an offering for our sins, and it hath pleased Jehovah to bruise him. Was ever sorrow like unto his sorrow? He is in an agony. Here our sins are punished. Our iniquities are expiated and our justification is procured. Oh, to love Jesus even in an agony. James Smith.