Ryan Bush:

Oh most holy, Holy, Holy God, when I seriously reflect on your spotless purity and my foolishness and sinfulness, I may justly appear before you this day with shame and terror, in confusion and consternation of spirit. But, oh Lord, to whom shall I go but unto You? Unto You, on whom depends my life or my death? Unto You, who alone can take away the burden of guilt which threatens to press me down to the dust? Who alone can restore to my soul that rest and peace which I have lost and which I deserve forever to lose. Look upon me, oh Lord God, falling down at your feet. Behold me pleading guilty in your presence and surrendering myself to that justice which I cannot escape. I have not one word to offer in my own vindication, in my own excuse. I praise you, oh Lord. Even while I walked in the baseness and madness of my conduct, your own hand has applied a remedy which your only son bled to prepare. Philip Doddridge.

Copyright Ryan Bush