Ryan Bush:

We were like this poor, distressed traveler. Satan, our enemy, had robbed us, stripped us, wounded us. Such is the mischief that sin had done us. We were by nature more than half dead, twice dead in trespasses and sins, utterly unable to help ourselves. For we were without strength. The law of Moses, like the priest and Levite, the ministers of the law, looks upon us but has no compassion on us, gives us no relief, passes by on the other side as having neither pity nor power to help us. But then comes the blessed Jesus, the good Samaritan. He has compassion on us. He binds up our bleeding wounds, pours in not oil and wine, but that which is infinitely more precious, his own blood. He takes care of us and bids us put all the expenses of our cure upon his account. Matthew Henry.

Ryan Bush:

Oh, merciful father, teach me to renew my application to the blood of your son, Jesus, through whom the reconciliation between you and my soul has been accomplished. It is he that is my peace and by his blood, it is that I am brought near. It is in him that I am made acceptable in your sight. Amen. Philip Doddridge.

Copyright Ryan Bush