Nothing in Him but Love

Nothing in Him but Love

Ryan Bush:

Jesus loved them unto the end. John 13:1. Then said Jesus, father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 2334. If our hearts are full of the love of God, the roughest knocks cannot make us unloving or unpeaceful. But how often in a moment of impatience, we blame the rough knock. So and so did this. So and so said that. My circumstances are difficult. I could be good somewhere else in some other place or work. All such excuses are folly. It is not what happens to us, but what is in us that settles the matter. How often we have to go to our Savior for cleansing and pardon after some hard knock has caused us to spill something unloving which was inside us. But have we not been comforted by the generous wealth of his pardon? Is it not just like him to assure us again and again that nothing has changed on his side? He loves us as he did before. He wants us as He did before. His tender mercy embraces us on every side. Such love draws us back to Calvary. As we think of our own newly discovered sin, we see him, the sinless one with new eyes. How did we react toward some trivial trying touch of people or circumstances? How did he react to the torture of the hammer and the nails? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Nothing could surprise anything unloving in him for there was nothing in him but love. Is it not wonderful that such a Lord can care for such as us? Is it not a wonder of wonders that He can want our love? Amy Carmichael.

Copyright Ryan Bush