Ready to Forgive the Greatest of Sinners

Ready to Forgive the Greatest of Sinners

Ryan Bush:

Oh, eternal God and heavenly father. If I were not taught and assured by the promise of your gospel and the examples of Peter, Mary Magdalene, and the prodigal child, that you are full of compassion and ready to forgive the greatest of sinners, I would despair for my own sins and be utterly discouraged from coming into your presence. But, oh my god, as your mercy only stays your judgment from falling upon us until now, so I humbly beseech you in the depths of Your mercy in Jesus Christ that you will not deal with me according to what I deserve but that You would freely and fully forgive me for all my sins and transgressions and that you would wash them clean from me with the virtue of that most precious blood which your son Jesus Christ has shed for me. He alone is the physician and his blood only is the medicine that can heal my sickness. Amen. Lewis Bayly.

Ryan Bush:

Man would sooner wear his own rags than Christ's fine white linen. Pride however is too expensive a luxury when a man must give up all hope of heaven in order to indulge it. There can be no feasting with the king unless we wear the wedding garment which he supplies. Even our best silk and satin would not suit his courts. We must put on the righteousness of Christ or be unrighteous forever. Surely, we shall be worse than mad men if we insist upon going naked rather than put on the royal apparel of free grace. Charles Spurgeon.

Copyright Ryan Bush