We Lay in Our Blood
We lay in our blood and were not so lovely as to provoke any eye to pity us. Then Christ passed by, and it was the time of his love and then his love broke forth with the light of life. For then he said, Live! When believers were all poisoned with the leprosy of sin and lay as lepers by the wayside, then Jesus Christ came and took them by the hand and opened the love of His heart in letting out a stream of blood to wash them and make them clean. John Durant.
Ryan Bush:Blessed are the eyes that see Him. Blessed the ears that hear His voice. Blessed are the souls that trust Him, and in Him alone rejoice. His commandments then become their happy choice. Sweet as home to pilgrims weary. Light to newly opened eyes. Or full springs and deserts dreary is the rest the cross supplies. All who taste it shall too rest immortal rise. Joseph Swain.