Ryan Bush:

The gospel revelation was set up for this end and purpose, to present to us the goodness and amiableness of God that He might be more lovely to us and be loved by us. The great design of reconciling and saving lost man by Christ and His wonderful condescension in His incarnation, life, sufferings, and death is all to reveal this love of God in Christ and to work up our hearts to love God again. Thomas Manton. Behold the amazing sight, the Savior lifted high. Behold the Son of God's delight expire in agony. For whom, for whom my heart, were all these sorrows born? Why did He feel that piercing smart and meet that various scorn? For love of us He bled, and all in torture died. 'Twas love that bowed His fainting head and oped His gushing side. In sympathy of love, let all the earth combine, and drawn by cords so gentle prove, the energy divine. In Him our hearts unite, nor share His griefs alone, but from His cross pursue their flight to His triumphant throne.

Copyright Ryan Bush